“My Daughter’s Homework is Killing Me”


Journal Post 3 –

This article is discussing the outrageous amount of homework given to a set of 8th graders. A father decided to take on his daughter’s homework for a week after a day of work which he compares to her day of school. His daughter is 13 years old and spends 3 to 4 hours on homework every night, and usually averages 6.5 hours of sleep per night. When he asked the teachers about how much homework they give out they responded telling him that if the homework was too hard than she should be moved to a remedial class. They told him that there are standardized tests and everyone including students, teacher and schools are being evaluated based on those tests. He also points out that she has homework on the weekends, and asked how many people would stay at their jobs if they had to work on the weekends. His daughter would be doing around 20 math problems per night as reading about 50 pages of a book as well as gather information from the book. This is a lot of work for children to be doing after a full 6 hour school day. I think this article should be shown to other parents, teachers, principles and others involved in the school system. I chose this article because I was considering doing my argumentative essay on standardized testing and how it effects the students and schools. I would give this article a thumbs up because it gave a parents insight on homework as well as how it was effecting the students in the school. It was also well written and easy to follow by.

Greenfeld, Karl Taro. “My Daughter’s Homework Is Killing Me.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/10/my-daughters-homework-is-killing-me/309514/>.

How to Escape the Community-College Trap


Reading Journal 2 –

This article “How to Escape the Community-College Trap” first gave a story about a 19 year old male that was applying to a community college after a 2 year prison statement. He beat the community college odds and graduated withing 2.5 years. The article described the process of a community college and how the students differ from those at private colleges or state universities. I couldn’t believe that the national 3 year graduation rate for community college students is at 16%. Also that only 1/3 of students will graduate with a degree or certificate within 6 years. These are crazy low statistics and they definitely lead to the bad rep that is given to community colleges. Most of the students in community colleges are either taking on a full time course load while already working full time, or even being a full time parent. While community college is extremely flexible for students it is hard for them to stay committed and motivated to keep continuing on with their courses. The article gave different situations and ways for students to overpass the statistics and graduate or transfer from community colleges.


Hulbert, Ann. “How to Escape the Community College Trap.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, Jan.-Feb. 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2016. <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/01/how-to-escape-the-community-college-trap/355745/>.

Peer Review (Elham)

This is my first peer review so I hope it is helpful. First, I think the idea behind your review was really interesting and a good story. Since I believe you said English isn’t your first language it would probably be helpful for you to first type on Microsoft Word or something similar because it corrects your grammar and spelling mistakes quickly by underlining the words or sentences by underlining them. This is something I find to be helpful because sometimes when typing I misspell things, also have run-on sentences and fragments. Another suggestion would be to add a little more background information about coming to the United States, and maybe any work history you had before. My last suggestion would be to explain the situation that happened at work a little more in depth. I think using some things we learned this week could be helpful for describing that tough work situation!

Memoir Essay Rough Draft (Education)

High school is a time for new experiences, minimal responsibilities, and most important in my mind – fun. High school mainly consisted of a 6 hour day of school followed by practices and games for whatever sport was in season. I was a three sport athlete at school so it took up most of my time. Weekends for me started out pretty simple and boring, but eventually turned into lots of going out with friends and partying. In the midst of everything parents and teachers were constantly talking about college, encouraging us to visit them and begin applying. This thought scared me, plus I already watched my older brother fail within his first couple of months, so I kept it in the back of my mind but kept procrastinating. My grades from freshman year until the end of junior year (application time) went from Dean’s List to almost failing. So at this point my grades were failing, and I was caring less and less about my sports. This was different for everyone around me because these were always the most important thing to me. But I was only worried about friends and relationships at this point. This blew my chances of ever getting into my “dream” schools. At this point I could feel my parents beginning to be very upset with me, but that just made me angry I at them. It made me lose any motivation I had left to go to college.

After talking my parents into what seemed like the impossible, I was registered for a community college. They weren’t necessarily “against” community college they just wanted me to move away meet new people and gain some more new experiences. They settled, and seemed excited once again that I had some motivation to do well again. After graduation, I landed a full time job as a preschool teacher. Since I went to a vocational high school and took Early Education, I was able to get a teaching certificate from the state after graduation. My family was excited about my new job and they thought it’d fit me very well since working with kids has always been my passion. This is also what I wanted to go to college for. After working there for the summer I realized how much I loved being a teacher. My days at work were fun, and always so rewarding. My days were spent doing crafts, playing games, learning songs, and writing names and letters. I also enjoyed getting full time paychecks, it definitely beat going to school everyday. This made it a lot easier to not attend my classes in September. After all this is what I was going to school for, and I learned from working that I can move up on the pay scale just as easy by experience.

After working here a couple of years, I eventually learned this wasn’t something I could do forever. Although it was extremely rewarding in so many areas, it was very stressful. The paycheck seemed great for a twenty year old, but that would only last so long. I realized I needed to go back to school, and that I needed to take it serious this time around. I spent countless hours researching careers, tuition, schools, and majors. Eventually I found myself at Bristol Community College. I’ve decided to study dental hygiene with huge hopes that I will get into the program after a year of prerequisites and some really difficult work. I have so much motivation to finally accomplish a degree. I know it’s going to be a lot of stress and work but I feel like at this point in my life I am beyond ready to give it one hundred percent effort. I still love teaching children though and wasn’t completely ready to give it up. So, for now I’ve decided to nanny so I can hold on to it a little bit longer. It’s very flexible and works well while I’m attending school. I am beginning to get stressed out because school does have a lot of expenses, and is time consuming. But I am not giving up and I know I just need to relax and have patience. I’m hoping after I receive my degree that I can still carry on my love for teaching with it. Maybe even work in a pediatric dentist office so that I can teach children about hygiene. My life is turning around and I am heading in the direction I need to be in to reach my goals.

“Who Cheats – and Why?”

The article I read this week was called “Who Cheats – and Why?” It was all about statistics based on students that cheat for success. The writer gave examples on multiple studies based on age, religion, finances, etc. and how they relate to cheating and plagiarism. One statistic that caught my eye was that 51% of teens age 17 or younger believed that cheating was necessary for success and that 10% of people older than 50 agreed. Another fact in the article was that men are less honest than women, but women are just as likely to lie for a financial reward. I found these both interesting, but also found them to be very true from prior experiences. I enjoyed the writers style, I think their could’ve been more detail, but I understand that was probably difficult since it was based on studies and results. I think the title was creative because it caught my eye first out of all the other titles on the page. I would give this article a thumbs up because I found it interesting to learn about these different statistics.


Beck, Julie. “Who Cheats-And Why.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, Jan.-Feb. 2014. Web. 2 Feb. 2016. <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/01/who-cheatsand-why/355743/>.